
Alan Harrison

Special Interests

Special Interest: Mental Health, Geriatric Care, Stress, Anxiety and Depression.

Alan has over 25 years’ experience as a Psychologist across a wide spectrum of presenting issues, from depression, panic attacks, anxiety, phobias, ADHD, family and personal maladjustment and drug abuse. Alan also has a special interest in workers compensation and forensic clients from lawyers, Probation and Parole, DOCS, legal aid, and various welfare services.

Alan’s life experience’s include Department of Defence and living in remote locations and developing countries for some years. This gives him a unique multi-cultural perspective, life experience and a ready rapport with patients from diverse backgrounds. He speaks fluent Indonesian, some Melanesian Pisin and has experience with Indigenous Australians in WA, NT and Qld.25

Peter Rose

Special Interests

Adolescent psychology, Gaming Addiction, Family conflict/dysfunction, Peer Conflict, Stress, Anxiety, Depression

Peter has over 20yrs experience as a Guidance Officer, working with adolescents in the school environment. He gained Psychologist registration in 1999, and has been a registered teacher since 1978. The main presenting issues in his workplace are stress, anxiety, depression, sleep deprivation, gaming addiction, time-management issues, family conflict/dysfunction and peer conflict. In the school setting he also deals with educational factors which impact students eg subject/career choices/performance. In addition he assists with verification of students with disabilities via administration of the WISC V and completion of associated report writing. Over a number of years, he has also worked in private settings with adults presenting with PTSD, alcohol and drug use, anxiety and depression.